

Access to information is a click away

Transparency is an indispensable item for social organizations, both in its relation with the public administration, see Law No. 13,019, of July 31, 2014 – Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations (MROSC), and with private partners.

That is why IOS maintains transparency as a fundamental pillar. It is of strategic relevance in its operation, maintaining open relationships and ensuring that its performance and results are shared with its audiences. In addition to accountability to all stakeholders, IOS has independent audits and direct engagement of leadership in compliance and ethics management.

The Code of Ethics and Conduct guides participants in IOS VALUES, PRINCIPLES and COMMITMENTS to be maintained in all relationships, and is disseminated internally, in addition to being available on an online digital platform.

The Internal Ombudsman is responsible for receiving and monitoring any doubts, suggestions, criticisms or complaints about cases of non-compliance with the Code, and can be reached through e-mail:

Students are provided with their own channels to express themselves if they experience situations of non-compliance with the Organization’s principles.


Our most important institutional publication

Each report provides indicators of our results and the progress and impacts obtained:


Respect and zeal for the history of IOS

We have instituted our Code of Conduct, thus seeking to formalize the ethical principles and commitments of Conduct that guide our performance and relationship with all stakeholders. This Code establishes principles, attitudes and behaviors that are necessary and expected from all those who relate, directly or indirectly, to the institution. In addition, we seek to meet the requirements expressed in all of our activities, including relationships with Partners, Government Agents and other institutions.

Provide balance between a purpose that moves us forward and management capacity and search for results


Annual financial results

Following our concept of Transparency, we disclose our annual financial results, which are monitored by Monello Accountants – a consultancy specialized in the third sector – and audited without any reservations by Price Waterhouse Coopers – PWC Brasil or KPMG Independent Auditors.

Our resources are strictly managed and our reports are available:



Social responsibility with relationship and integrity

We have registrations and certifications in public agencies, considering our performance in the third Sector. Focused on promoting the rights of Children and Adolescents in the scope of social assistance, we have records in the Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents in all municipalities where we operate. As well as enrollments in the respective Social Assistance Councils.

All these documents are made available. As well as our statutory regime, which provides the reason for the existence of IOS, our objectives and duties as a social organization, focused on promoting opportunities.


Our projects and agreements

With the objective of guaranteeing transparency and providing information for public knowledge of our projects, in partnership with the different levels of government that make up the Federation, we present below data referring to the work developed considering the perspective of guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents.

  • Productive Inclusion of Young People and People with Disabilities in the West and East Zone

    Promotion term: 047/2019/SMDHC/FUMCAD

    Notice: FUMCAD 2017

    Value: R$443.751,07

    Start date: 11/2019

    End date: 10/2020

    Audience: Young people and people with disabilities from 14 to 17 years and 11 months old, from the public school system, that are in a situation of social vulnerability, and who have less opportunity to access the job market.

    Number of people served: 240 beneficiaries in the year.

    Download document


  • Professional Training in the South Zone

    Promotion term: 056/2019/SMDHC/FUMCAD

    Notice: FUMCAD 2016

    Value: R$R$414.114,47

    Start date: 12/2019

    End date: 11/2020

    Audience: Young people aged 15 to 17 years and 11 months old, students or graduates of public schools in São Paulo, that are in a situation of social vulnerability.

    Number of people served: 240 beneficiaries a year. 

    Download document

  • Preparing Teenagers for the Job Market

    Promotion term: 397/2019

    Notice: CONDECA 2016

    Value: R$1.034.516,93

    Start date: 08/2019

    End date: 01/2021 (via deadline extension)

    Audience: Adolescents, students or graduates of the public school system in São Paulo, in a situation of social vulnerability.

    Number of people served: 432 a year.

    Download document

  • Professional Training in Greater São Paulo

    Promotion term: 398/2019

    Notice: CONDECA 2016

    Value: R$712.083,73

    Start date: 09/2019

    End date: 01/2021 (via deadline extension)

    Audience: Adolescents aged 14 to 17 years and 11 months old, students or graduates of public education in situations of social vulnerability.

    Number of people served: 240 a year.

    Download document

  • Youth Protagonism through Employability

    Promotion term: 891/2018

    Notice: CONDECA 2016

    Value: R$415.604,60

    Start date: 02/2019

    End date: 01/2020

    Audience: Young people, from 14 to 17 years and 11 months old, students or graduates of the public school system in São Paulo, in a situation of social vulnerability.

    Number of people served: 120 a year.

    Download document

  • Productive Inclusion of Young People in Urban Areas

    Administrative Proceeding n°: 01 081 796/19-49

    Partner: FMDCA – BH

    Value: R$250.000,00

    Start date: 12/2019

    End date: 12/2020

    Audience: Young people between 14 and 17 years and 11 months old, students or graduates of public schools in Belo Horizonte, in a situation of social vulnerability.

    120 beneficiaries a year. 

    Download document

  • Technological Training for Productive Inclusion

    Promotion ter: 001

    Legal responsibility: Alecsandra Neri de Almeida Meira. Cargo: Gestora de Operações

    Partner: Paulistana Foundation for Education, Technology and Culture

    Audience: People aged from 15 to 29, from the public school system (attending high school or completed), in the city of São Paulo

    PHASE 01

    Value: R$ 1.000.000,00

    Start date: 12/2019

    End date: 08/2020

    Number of people served: 1300

    PHASE 02

    Value: R$ 1.000.000,00

    Start date: 08/2020

    End date: 04/2021

    Number of people served: 1300 

Increased employment chances and social opportunities for people with disabilities


The structure that drives IOS

The corporate governance of IOS has a model based on collaboration. Internal deliberations are shared between the Board, Executive Management, Operational Management and the coordinators. Thereby, the decision-making process maintains a solid and less centralized structure, ensuring oversight in all the performance and strategic relevance of the different aspects of the organization’s management.

The directors are elected by the founders, the sponsoring companies and by the IOS Management team, according to criteria that considers their knowledge and engagement with the third sector.

Get to know our organizational structure:


The commitment to deliver opportunities

In its 23 years of existence, IOS has been able to develop a solid service structure, with the constant objective of improving and expanding social impact, seeking, therefore, to contribute to a better society. Thanks to this focus, it was possible to win several awards and recognitions.

Human Rights and Diversity Seal SMDHC – SP  •

BH Seal Against Racism – Commitment Category •



• Donate Seal

• Best NGOs to Donate Award

• Transparency and Best Practices Certification

Donate Seal •



• Professional Rehabilitation Award

Signatory of the UN Global Compact •



• Annual report with global guidelines


• Selo de Direitos Humanos e Diversidade SMDHC – SP


• Selo Doar

• Prêmio Melhores ONGs para de Doar

• Certificação de Transparência e Boas Práticas


• Selo Doar


Prêmio de Reabilitação Profissional 


• Signatário do Pacto Global da ONU


• Relatório anual com diretrizes globais

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